Shipping and transport costs in the GO ELECTRIC

Every seller on the platform GO ELECTRIC uses the same carriers according to the same price, however, may have its own specific conditions for shipping and do not share all the carriers available in the GO ELECTRIC and Store GO ELECTRIC , which we present below. In the notes to the order, you can enter your preferred method of transport, such as your favorite courier company, if it is not among the available options. The GO ELECTRIC store will make every effort to fulfill the order as requested, which GO ELECTRIC also encourages other Sellers to do.

Description and logo Weight and form Price
Free transport for vehicles

Bicycles, mopeds

and scooters for FREE!

Cash on delivery

Delivery in



Pickup at the post office **

Polish Post Parcel +

0.5-2 kg

2-5 kg

5-10 kg


PLN 10.60

PLN 14.10

PLN 16.10

PLN 20.60

PLN 25.60

Home Delivery **

Polish Post Parcel +

0.5-2 kg

2-5 kg

5-10 kg


20-31.5 kg

PLN 12.50

PLN 16.00

PLN 18.00

PLN 22.50

27.50 PLN

37.50 PLN

PLN 14.99
DPD goelectric

0.5-1 kg

1-3 kg

3-5 kg

5-10 kg


20-31.5 kg

PLN 13.99

PLN 14.99

PLN 16.99

PLN 18.99

PLN 23.99

PLN 28.99

PLN 33.99

DHL goelectric


10-31.5 kg

16.90 PLN

PLN 19.90

PLN 29.90