Seller's account

The Seller's Account contains, apart from the Buyer's account, also many sub-tabs in the Your Store section in the My Account tab, available in the upper right corner of the screen. In the Your Store section, the User has access, inter alia, to such functions of your Store on the GO ELECTRIC website as: a quick and accurate review of transactions, the possibility of listing offers for sale, purchase, announcements, and finally auctions and auctions. The seller has many options to change various parameters of his products to make his offer more attractive. He can also change the profile of his shop. Finally, it can change such sales parameters as carriers available to the buyer and the type of offer, i.e. ordinary sale, advertisement or auction / auction.

In order to open a Seller's account:

  1. open a Buyer's account
  2. then in the Your Store section in the My Account tab available in the upper right corner of the screen, submit a request to open a Seller's account
  3. make a return verification transfer described here
  4. wait for data verification and account opening confirmation