Polish scientists in Szczecin have created an economical electric motor minimizing the problem of voltage induction during high rotational speeds, which we deal with in car engines:

The secret of the Szczecin scientists' solution lies in the special design of the engine's magnetic circuit. Thanks to this, they can control the phenomena taking place in the device. The key is to weaken the magnetic field of permanent magnets, with constant control of the induced voltage and losses in the motor, especially at high rotational speeds. - The result is an engine that guarantees good dynamics in the moment of acceleration and the development of high vehicle speeds. These features mean that it can be successfully used as an economical drive for electric cars - explains Prof. Stick.

[full article: http://forsal.pl/artykuly/1026332,naped-lepszy-niz-w-tesli-polscy-inzynierowie-opracowani-specjalny-silnik-elektryczny.html]