By 2020, we should have several hundred alternative vehicle charging stations in a medium-sized city in Poland. They should also include the ability to charge electric mopeds and even bicycles. Below are excerpts from an article on this topic:

the definition of alternative fuel vehicles has been extended to include those that are not cars, such as bicycles and mopeds, which will allow the recharging service to be extended. The definition of a charging station also includes a parking stand, software, etc., which is to provide a parking space at the charging point [...]

The act includes quantitative goals. In a commune with over a million inhabitants, with at least 600,000 registered cars, and there are at least 700 of them per 1,000 inhabitants, by 2020 there should be at least 1,000 public charging points.

For municipalities with over 300,000 residents, where there are at least 200,000 registered cars, and for 1000 inhabitants there are at least 500 - points should be at least 2020. In communes with over 150 thousand. inhabitants, at least 95 thousand. registered cars and the indicator of over 400 vehicles per 1,000 inhabitants is to be at least 100 points. And in communes with more than 100,000, with over 60,000 registered cars and the ratio of over 400 vehicles per 1,000 inhabitants, the target is 60 points.

The new draft act on electromobility also mentions numerous concessions and discounts for owners of alternative vehicles, including the possibility of parking in low-emission zones of the city or the right to move on bus lanes.
