The Błyskawica e-moped has an optionally available long trunk, to which we can easily and very solidly attach a large box using only solid plastic clamping straps. We have transported very large loads many times and no strap has ever broken, so there is no need to use metal straps. In this post, we are going to show you the Błyskawica e-moped with just such a case fully filled with shopping, conveniently secured with a net made of rubber with hooks at the end. Not only the capacity of such a box is very large, but also the convenience and comfort of inserting it is the highest among all vehicles known to us, which makes us prefer to go to the market on such a moped than by car, even in cooler autumn, as shown in the pictures. The photos also show not only groceries for two weeks, but also 10 kg of washing powder. Both boxes in various sizes and nets made of rubber with hooks (e.g. for motorbikes) are cheap and easily available.

e-motorower błyskawica z zakupami na 2 tygodnie

emotorower błyskawica z zakupami na 2 tygodnie

emotorower błyskawica z zakupami na 2 tygodnie